International Women's Day Luncheon 2025

Government House

Her Excellency the Honourable Barbara Baker AC, Governor of Tasmania, supported the vital work of the Hobart Women’s Shelter by hosting an International Women’s Day fundraising luncheon at Government House on Friday 7 March.

Community engagement is an important part of the Governor’s program, and she is committed to raising awareness of women’s issues, particularly gender equality and the impact of family violence.

“More than 100 people attended the luncheon, which raised more than $20,300 in ticket sales and donations, with all proceeds going to the Hobart Women’s Shelter,” Her Excellency said.

Her Excellency is a long-term supporter of the Hobart Women’s Shelter and has championed several of its initiatives during her term as Governor. She has supported shelter programs, hosted events at Government House, and supported shelter residents with fortnightly meals from the Government House kitchen.

This second annual Governor’s International Women’s Day luncheon focused on UN Women Australia’s theme for 2025, “March Forward – For ALL Women and Girls”.

This year marks 30 years since the adoption of the UN’s Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action for achieving gender equality. Despite significant progress in women’s rights since 1995, there remains much to be done.

“We were delighted to welcome Elizabeth Broderick AO as our guest speaker for this year’s luncheon,” Her Excellency said.

“She discussed the major challenges we still need to address to support women and girls in Australia and around the world.

“As a former Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner and UN Special Rapporteur for Discrimination Against Women and Girls, and now a member of the Board of Fondation CHANEL, she provided us with valuable insights into how we can march forward to drive change and ensure a truly equal future.”

Established in 1974, the Hobart Women’s Shelter is reflecting on its 50 years of service while also marching forward to address what still needs to be done to support Tasmanian women and children.

“For over 50 years, the Shelter has provided safe, emergency accommodation, support, and housing to women and children experiencing family violence and homelessness,” Hobart Women’s Shelter CEO Janet Saunders said.

“While celebrating our achievements, we also continue to work towards our vision to create a safe and inclusive community free from homelessness, violence, inequality, and injustice.”

Photographs: Alastair Bett

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