Invitations for the Governor and/or Emeritus Professor Chalmers

If you wish to invite the Governor or Professor Chalmers to attend a function, please write a formal letter, providing the following information:

  • if the invitation is for the Governor, Professor Chalmers or both;
  • details of your organisation and the function in question, including the date/time/venue;
  • what you would like the Governor and/or Professor Chalmers to do at the function (for example, to deliver an address or present awards);
  • a list of dignitaries who have been or will be invited and the anticipated number of other expected guests.

Your letter should, for preference, be signed by an office bearer of your organisation and addressed to:

The Official Secretary
Colonel David Hughes CSC
Government House
GPO Box 1574

Letters of invitation may be posted or submitted via email to

Her Excellency and Professor Chalmers read a book to school children
Glenorchy Visit 2022.jpg
Launceston Horticultural Society