Governor's News

Governor's News lists the details of the Governor's Vice-Regal program.

They are published regularly here and keep you up-to-date on the activities of the Governor across the State and highlight the broad range of people and organisations with which Her Excellency is engaged.

Queen's Scout and Queen's Guide Awards

Queen's Scout and Queen's Guide Awards

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted the presentation of Queen’s Scout and Queen’s Guide Awards on behalf of Scouts Tasmania and Girl Guides Tasmania.

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The French Room

Department of Treasury and Finance

Yesterday morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received Mr Tony Ferrall, Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance.

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University of Tasmania

Later, the Governor received Mr James Groom, Deputy Chancellor, and Professor Rufus Black, Vice-Chancellor, of the University of Tasmania.

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British Consulate General Melbourne

In the afternoon, the Governor and Professor Chalmers received the British Consul-General, Mr Stephen Lysaght; Wing Commander Tim Brookes, Air and Space Adviser, British Defence & Liaison Section, British High Commission; and Mr Frank McGregor, Honorary Consul for the United Kingdom in Tasmania.

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Launch of Palliative Care Week 2023

Palliative Care Tasmania

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a morning tea to mark the launch of National Palliative Care Week 2023 on behalf of Palliative Care Tasmania.

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Governor of Tasmania

In the evening, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, resumed the administration of the government of the State.

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Volunteering Tasmania Awards 2023

Volunteering Tasmania

In the afternoon at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, and Mrs Margaret Blow hosted the presentation of the 2023 Tasmanian Volunteering Awards on behalf of Volunteering Tasmania.

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Rotary Club of Salamanca

In the afternoon at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, and Mrs Margaret Blow hosted an afternoon tea to mark the 30th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Salamanca.

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Centenary of Legacy

Legacy Australia

In the evening at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, and Mrs Margaret Blow hosted a reception to mark the Centenary of Legacy.

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University of Tasmania Faculty of Law

Law Week 2023

In the evening at the University of Tasmania Law School, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, delivered an address to launch Law Week 2023 on behalf of the Law Faculty, University of Tasmania, and the Legal Profession Board of Tasmania.

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Hobart VIEW Club

In the evening, the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs Blow hosted a reception for the Hobart VIEW Club in support of the work of The Smith Family in Tasmania.

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Royal Australian Navy

In the morning at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, received Captain Hamish Frazer, Commander, Australian Maritime Task Group, Captain Troy Duggan, Commanding Officer, HMAS Adelaide, and Commander Mark Tandy, Commanding Officer, Navy Headquarters Tasmania.

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Australia Day 2023 Investiture

Australia Day 2023 Honours

In the afternoon at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, and Mrs Margaret Blow hosted an investiture for recipients of Order of Australia Honours which were announced in the 2023 Australia Day Honours list.

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Order of Australia

Australian Bravery Decoration and 2023 Australia Day Honours

In the afternoon at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, and Mrs Margaret Blow hosted an investiture for recipients of a 2022 Australian Bravery Decoration and Meritorious Service Awards which were announced in the 2023 Australia Day Honours list.

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Rosetta Primary School

Rosetta Primary School

In the morning at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, hosted a visit by Grades 5/6 students from Rosetta Primary School.

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Coronation Receptions 2023

Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla

Today at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, and Mrs Margaret Blow hosted two receptions to mark the Coronation of Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

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The Order of Australia Association, Tasmania Branch

In the evening at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, delivered an address at a dinner hosted by the Order of Australia Association, Tasmanian Branch, to celebrate the Coronation of the new Sovereign Head of the Order of Australia, His Majesty King Charles III.

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Agfest 2023

Agfest Agricultural Field Days 2023

In the morning at Quercus Park, Carrick, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, accompanied by Mrs Margaret Blow, delivered an address to officially open the 2023 Agfest Agricultural Field Days on behalf of the Rural Youth Organisation of Tasmania Inc.

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The Friends' School

In the morning at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Alan Blow, and Mrs Margaret Blow hosted a visit by Year 6 students from The Friends’ School.

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Mrs Judy Travers OAM

Australia Day 2023 Honours

In the afternoon at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor invested Mrs Judy Travers with the insignia of the Medal of the Order of Australia which was announced in the 2023 Australia Day Honours list.

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