Governor's News

Governor's News lists the details of the Governor's Vice-Regal program.

They are published regularly here and keep you up-to-date on the activities of the Governor across the State and highlight the broad range of people and organisations with which Her Excellency is engaged.

Tasmania JackJumpers

Tasmania JackJumpers

The Governor and Professor Chalmers hosted a reception to celebrate the achievements of the Tasmania JackJumpers basketball team in the National Basketball League (NBL) Season 2021 — 22.

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Embassy of Finland

The Ambassador of Finland, Her Excellency Ms Satu Mattila-Budich, and Mr Martin Henrik Budich departed Government House.

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Ambassador of Finland and Mr Budich

Ambassador of Finland to Australia

In the evening, the Governor and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a formal dinner in honour of the visit to Tasmania by the Ambassador of Finland, Her Excellency Ms Satu Mattila-Budich, and Mr Martin Henrik Budich.

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Underwood Centre music classes

Peter Underwood Centre

Mrs Frances Underwood and Ms Catherine Cretan presented parent and baby/toddler music classes at Government House on behalf of the Peter Underwood Centre.

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Embassy of Finland

The Ambassador of Finland, Her Excellency Ms Satu Mattila-Budich, and Mr Martin Henrik Budich arrived at Government House to stay.

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Bills for Assent

Legislative Council - Bill for Assent

Her Excellency the Governor received the President and Clerk of the Legislative Council who presented a Bill for the Royal Assent.

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Rockliff Cabinet 2022

Premier of Tasmania and Cabinet

Her Excellency the Governor has appointed and sworn to office a new Minister and other Ministers to new portfolios.

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Hobart City Church of Christ

Hobart City Church of Christ

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a reception to mark the 150th anniversary of the Hobart City Church of Christ.

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Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand

Council of Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand

Later, the Governor and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a dinner on the occasion of a meeting of the Council of Chief Justices of Australia and New Zealand.

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Commonwealth of Australia

On Sunday evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the Chief Justice of Australia, the Honourable Susan Kiefel. 

Later, the Governor was sworn to office as an Administrator of the Commonwealth of Australia.

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New Zealand High Commission

Later, the Governor and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received the High Commissioner for New Zealand, Her Excellency the Honourable Dame Annette King DNZM.

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Executive Council

In the afternoon, the Governor appointed and swore to office the Honourable Jeremy Rockliff MP as Premier of Tasmania; Minister for Tourism; and Minister for Climate Change and the Honourable Michael Ferguson MP as Deputy Premier of Tasmania; and Treasurer.

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Executive Council

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the Clerk of the Executive Council.

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Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

In the afternoon, the Governor and Professor Chalmers received the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, His Excellency Dr Thomas Fitschen.

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Royal Norwegian Embassy

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received the Ambassador of Norway, His Excellency Mr Paul Gulleik Larsen, together with Ms Jenny-Ellen Kennedy, Honorary Consul for Norway in Tasmania.

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Reclink Australia

Reclink Australia

Later, the Governor and Professor Chalmers welcomed members of Reclink Australia to participate in a croquet and tennis activity day.

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Underwood Centre music classes

Peter Underwood Centre

Mrs Frances Underwood and Ms Catherine Cretan presented parent and baby/toddler music classes on behalf of the Peter Underwood Centre.

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Bills for Assent

Legislative Council - Bills for Assent

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the Deputy President and Clerk of the Legislative Council who presented Bills for the Royal Assent.

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The Hon Sir Guy Green and family

Antarctic Tasmania

The Governor and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a reception on behalf of Antarctic Tasmania.

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The Peter Underwood Centre

The Peter Underwood Centre

The Governor of Tasmania chaired a meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Peter Underwood Centre.

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