Governor's News

Governor's News lists the details of the Governor's Vice-Regal program.

They are published regularly here and keep you up-to-date on the activities of the Governor across the State and highlight the broad range of people and organisations with which Her Excellency is engaged.


Executive Council

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the Clerk of the Executive Council.

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Royal Commonwealth Society - Commonwealth Day 2022

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a reception for members and guests of the Royal Commonwealth Society Southern Tasmania Branch to mark Commonwealth Day 2022.

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Friends of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted an art tour, followed by a reception, to mark the 40th anniversary of the Friends of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.

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Tasmania JackJumpers

In the afternoon at MyState Bank Arena, the Governor and Professor Chalmers attended the NBL basketball game between the Tasmania JackJumpers and the Illawarra Hawks.

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Multicultural Women’s Council of Tasmania

In the afternoon at the Kingborough Community Hub, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address at the International Women’s Day 2022

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Hobart Women's Shelter

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received Councillor Anna Reynolds

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US Consulate General Melbourne

In the evening in Hobart, the Governor and Professor Chalmers attended a reception on board USCGC Polar Star to celebrate US — Australia Antarctic cooperation.

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The Royal Society of Tasmania

In the afternoon, the Governor and Professor Chalmers received Professor Jocelyn McPhie, incoming President, together with Ms Mary Koolhof, outgoing President, and Ms Marley Large, Honorary Secretary, of the Royal Society of Tasmania.

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United States Coast Guard

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received Captain William Woityra, Commanding Officer, USCGC Polar Star

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US Consulate General Melbourne

Later at Government House, the Governor and Professor Chalmers received the United States Consul General in Melbourne, Ms Kathleen Lively, together with Mr Jacob Goldschlager, Political/Economic Advisor.

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Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

In the morning at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address as guest speaker at a breakfast to mark International Women’s Day 2022

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Hamilton District Agricultural Show Society Inc

In the morning at the Hamilton Recreation Grounds, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address to officially open the 2022 Hamilton Agricultural Show

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Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received Mr Adam McCarthy, Chief Legal Officer and First Assistant Secretary, Legal Division; Dr Jessica Bramley-Alves,

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Clifford Craig Foundation

In the afternoon at the Country Club Tasmania, Launceston, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers

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Maritime Museum of Tasmania

In the evening at the Maritime Museum of Tasmania, the Governor, accompanied by Professor Chalmers, delivered an address to officially open the new Maritime Heritage Exhibition.

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Reconciliation Tasmania

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received Professor Clair Andersen, Co-Chair, Mr Mark Redmond, Chief Executive, and Ms Marnie Ritz

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Ambassador of Ireland to Australia

Later, the Ambassador of Ireland, His Excellency Mr Timothy Mawe, and Ms Patricia McCarthy departed Government House.

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Executive Council

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, appointed and swore to office Ms Madeleine Ogilvie as Minister for Racing; Minister for Small Business; Minister for Women; Minister for Disability Service

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From the Shadows Inc

In the morning at the Cascades Female Factory, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address at the unveiling of a convict woman statue on behalf of From the Shadows Inc.

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From the Shadows Inc

In the afternoon at New Town, the Governor, accompanied by Professor Chalmers, delivered an address at the unveiling of Orphan School children statues on behalf of From the Shadows Inc.

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