Governor's News

Governor's News lists the details of the Governor's Vice-Regal program.

They are published regularly here and keep you up-to-date on the activities of the Governor across the State and highlight the broad range of people and organisations with which Her Excellency is engaged.


Royal Australian Air Force

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received the incoming Commanding Officer, No 29 (City of Hobart) Squadron and Senior Air Force Officer Tasmania,

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Diabetes Tasmania

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received Ms Linda Manaena, President, and Ms Caroline Wells, Chief Executive Officer, of Diabetes Tasmania.

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Legislative Council

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the Honourable Dr Bastian Seidel, Legislative Council Member for Huon, and Dr Alexandra Seidel.

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Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

Later at the Federation Concert Hall, the Governor, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Chalmers, presented awards at the 2021 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race Trophy Presentation.

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Launceston to Hobart Yacht Race

In the morning at the Derwent Sailing Squadron, Sandy Bay, the Governor of Tasmania, Her Excellency the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, officiated at the presentation ceremony for the 2021 Launceston to Hobart Yacht Race.

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Devonport School Visit

In the morning at Devonport, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers met with Police, Ambulance and Department of Education personnel managing the Hillcrest Primary School tragedy.

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RSV Nuyina - Official Launch

In the morning at MAC02, Hobart, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address at the official launch, followed by a reception,

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Consul-General of the Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received the Consul-General of the Republic of Indonesia in Melbourne, Mr Kuncoro Waseso, and Mrs Mantarina Herlianti, accompanied by Mr I Made Oka Wardhana

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Devonport School Tragedy

I join with the Tasmanian community in feelings of great sorrow at the tragedy that has occurred at Hillcrest Primary School, Devonport. Our thoughts are with those affected; immediate families, classmates and their parents, the School staff, first responders and the entire Devonport community.

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Legislative Council - Bills for Assent

Later, the Governor received the President and Clerk of the Legislative Council who presented Bills for the Royal Assent.

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Consul-General of the People's Republic of China in Melbourne

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received the Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China in Melbourne

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University of Tasmania

In the afternoon at the IMAS Building, Hobart, the Governor and Professor Chalmers participated in the University of Tasmania Town and Gown Procession, and then attended the College of Art, Law and Education graduation ceremony at the Federation Concert Hall.

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State Reception - Tasmania and Fujian Province

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, together with the Tasmanian Government, hosted a State Reception to mark the 40th anniversary

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Royal Australian Navy

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received the incoming Commanding Officer of Navy Headquarters Tasmania,

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Executive Council

In the morning at the Executive Building, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, presided at a meeting of the Executive Council.

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Country Women's Association in Tasmania

In the afternoon at Lindisfarne, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address at an afternoon tea to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Lindisfarne Branch

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Dr Emma Lee

Later, the Governor and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers received Dr Emma Lee.

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Hobart Women's Shelter

In the afternoon, the Governor hosted a Christmas picnic for residents and staff of the Hobart Women’s Shelter.

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Executive Council

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the Clerk of the Executive Council.

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Legislative Council - Bill for Assent

Later, the Governor received the President and Clerk of the Legislative Council who presented a Bill for Royal Assent.

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