Governor's News

Governor's News lists the details of the Governor's Vice-Regal program.

They are published regularly here and keep you up-to-date on the activities of the Governor across the State and highlight the broad range of people and organisations with which Her Excellency is engaged.


Montrose Bay High School

In the evening at Montrose, the Governor, accompanied by Professor Chalmers, presented awards at the Montrose Bay High School 2023 Presentation Evening.

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University of Tasmania

In the morning at the Federation Concert Hall, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers attended the University of Tasmania College of Sciences and Engineering 2023 Summer Graduation Ceremony.

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Cut Flower Garden

Hobart Women's Shelter

In the afternoon, the Governor attended the 2023 Christmas Luncheon with residents and staff of the Hobart Women’s Shelter.

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GH Christmas Tree

Christmas Reception

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a Christmas reception for students from Tasmanian Government primary schools.

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The Children's Book Council of Australia (Tasmanian Branch) Inc

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received Ms Roxanne Steenbergen, Vice-President, The Children’s Book Council of Australia (Tasmanian Branch) Inc.

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Open Day banner

Institute of Public Accountants

In the evening, the Governor and Professor Chalmers hosted a reception for Tasmanian members to mark the centenary of the Institute of Public Accountants.

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National Youth Science Forum 2024

Later, the Governor and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a morning tea for Year 11 Tasmanian students selected to participate in the 2024 National Youth Science Forum.

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Bills for Assent

Bills for Assent

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the President and Clerk of the Legislative Council who presented Bills for the Royal Assent.

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City of Clarence - Richmond Bicentenary

In the morning at Richmond Bridge, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address to formally launch the Richmond Bicentenary program on behalf of the City of Clarence.

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Ambassador of Norway to Australia

Later, the Ambassador of Norway, Her Excellency Ms Anne Greta Riise, departed Government House.

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Indie School Kingston

In the morning at Kingston, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers attended the end of year 2023 Presentation Day for Indie School Kingston.

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Spring Blossoms

Tasmanian Leaders Inc

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a reception on behalf of Tasmanian Leaders Inc to celebrate the graduation of the women participating in the 2023 I-LEAD Women in Industry program.

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Ambassador of Norway HE Ms Anne Grete Riise

Ambassador of Norway to Australia

Her Excellency and Professor Chalmers hosted a formal dinner in honour of the official visit to Tasmania by the Ambassador of Norway, Her Excellency Ms Anne Grete Riise.

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Australian Red Cross, Tasmanian Division

In the afternoon at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted an afternoon tea to celebrate International Volunteer Day and to acknowledge the members and volunteers of the Australian Red Cross, Tasmanian Division.

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Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation

In the morning at Tebrakunna, Little Musselroe Bay, Cape Portland, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, accompanied by Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers, delivered an address to officially open the Tebrakunna Art Exhibition at Mannalargenna Day Festival 2023 hosted by the Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation.

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Cut Flower Garden

Municipality of George Town

In the morning at George Town, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers commenced an official visit to the municipality of George Town which included visits to South George Town Primary School; George Town SES; The Country Women’s Association, George Town Branch; Port Dalrymple School and Trade Training Centre; George Town Neighbourhood House; George Town Football Club; and the Low Head Community Garden, prior to attending a Civic Reception hosted by the Mayor of George Town a

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Kennerley Children's Homes Inc

In the evening, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a reception to mark the 20th anniversary of the Moving on Program on behalf of Kennerley Children’s Homes Inc.

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Forest Economics Congress

In the evening at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted a reception for delegates attending the Forest Economics Congress.

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Guide Dogs Tasmania 27-11-23

Guide Dogs Tasmania

In the afternoon, the Governor and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers hosted an afternoon tea to acknowledge volunteers, supporters and staff of Guide Dogs Tasmania.

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Bills for Assent

Bills for Assent

In the morning at Government House, the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Barbara Baker, received the President and Clerk of the Legislative Council who presented Bills for the Royal Assent.

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Her Excellency the Governor
Award presentations